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Welcome to the

Collaboration of Outdoor Play Therapists

COOPT is a networking organisation which brings Play Therapists together to share their enthusiasm for working in the outdoors. 

​We welcome all creative Arts Therapists, Counsellors and other professionals who work with children and young people in outdoor settings with a focus on creative play to join our community.

We are connected by our commitment to the play process, a love of being outdoors and an understanding of the well-being benefits ‘Mother Nature’ offers us all.​

At the core of our philosophy is the promotion of therapy in outdoor environments and nature connection as an invaluable addition to the therapeutic process. We are a democratic community which encourages all members to collaborate and share skills, knowledge and ideas.

COOPT provides various CPD opportunities, network meetings and occasional skill sharing social events.

Taking play therapy and therapeutic play outdoors!

Dandelion Leaves

The BAPT T&E would like to commend the ‘Certificate of Best Practice in Outdoor Play Therapy’ for its valuable contribution to 'setting the standards' of the developing Outdoor Play Therapy area, both nationally and internationally. The course is a blend of online and face-to-face workshops/sessions and thus, an easily accessible CPD resource for all play therapists, allowing further development and continuity of Play Therapy practice in the UK, as well as the development of international collaboration. [From our BAPT letter of endorsement]


Upcoming Events & Workshops

Dive deeper into outdoor therapy with our CPD workshops & networking events. Designed to develop your understanding and introduce new skills, these workshops empower you to take your practice outside whether it be in a garden, playground or woods.

Play Therapist working on the forest floor with various elements of nature

News & Resources

Keep your finger on the pulse with the COOPT Blog. The blog provides you with latest research into the benefits of taking clients outdoors and offers valuable resources to support your practice. Member profile spotlights encourage different perspectives, and it all adds to a community which thrives on sharing insights, experiences, and expertise. A circular flow of inspiration and support!

Discover our story

Once upon a time three Play Therapists met at one of Ali’s workshops in Dorset and from their discussions COOPT was born! The story is on-going and is growing every day, we now have a steering committee of five and have worked with and trained many, many play therapists. Read more about the individuals on the committee who volunteer their time and expertise and are passionate about supporting nature connection.

Outdoor Play Therapist placing leaves for a therapuetic mandala activity
Therapuetic, professionals at a lakes edge ready for a wild swim

Don't miss this great opportunity!

Meet liked minded professionals at our annual campover conference this July! Activities from our previous camp-over included camp cooking, natural cordage, the Celtic Wheel of the Year, woodland walk with flora and fauna identification and wild swimming.

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