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COOPT Best Practice Certificate in Outdoor Play Therapy - Exeter

10 Hours

In person - Exeter



The course has been designed for both qualified and student play therapists who already practice in outdoor settings or who may wish to do so at some point. It is also open to other creative arts practitioners who hold an appropriate equivalent recognized therapeutic training and use play in their practice.

We are delighted that our Best Practice Certificate in Outdoor Play Therapy course is endorsed as CPD by BAPT - the British Association of Play Therapists.

The course is comprised of 4 units along with activities to be done at home (10hrs):

Unit 1:

Connecting with Nature: Understanding our own attachment to natural places and spaces

Unit 2:

Basic Safety - Permissions and consent, insurance, Health and Safety (including procedures for Covid-19) first aid and safety kit, resources, working procedures – what to do if!

Unit 3:

Places and spaces - Risk assessment, setting up, confidentiality, safeguarding, boundaries, transitions and accompanying staff.

Unit 4:

'We Stand on Solid Ground' - underpinning theoretical perspectives

Dates & Times

4th October - Times TBC

5th October - Times TBC

Suitability Criteria

The full Certificate of Best Practice in Play Therapy can only be awarded to those with an appropriate therapeutic qualification and who have attended and completed all 4 units satisfactorily, including any set activities or tasks for submission, and who have submitted the required evidence of learning.

Play therapists both qualified and in training must have clinical supervision of their work to support them to be both reflective and reflexive practitioners. As this is a key requirement of this course, we ask for details on the registration form.

The course takes full account of their Ethical Basis for good Practice in Play Therapy and participants are asked to familiarize themselves with this document.

For those not fulfilling the above criteria, such as other practictioners, Forest School Leaders, Teachers and EYFS staff who use play in their practice are very welcome, but can only be awarded a Certificate of Best Practice in Outdoor Therapeutic Play following submission and satisfactory completion of their ‘evidence of learning’. Otherwise, a standard Certificate of CPD hours will be issued.

Please Note: This is not a course to train you become a play therapist; our aim is to build your knowledge, understanding and confidence for taking your practice into outdoor settings.

Facilitated By

Ali Chown, Leone Ellis, plus guest facilitators from the Steering Group

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